Sunday, January 4, 2009

The year 2009

The New Year has taken its place. Fireworks, I missed them this year. I was just outside a club (or rather a pub), waiting to get into it. But what the heck, its just fireworks anyway. This year's new year has been rather dull and mundane. Everything is just the same. Not much difference though.

A day after the new year, results were out. Was still sleeping soundly when the message tone woke me up. "Results are out already!!". Without any hesitation, I jolted up from my warm bed and head straight to the pc. Typed out my user ID and password...waited a few seconds and....
PASS. I was out of words. Before the exam, my feet were numb. I was so afraid of this paper. I was so afraid that the same s*** will hit me again, no matter how hard I've worked for it. It took me for awhile to find my composure. I did it. I managed to get through.

What lies ahead of me is still a very blurry vision.. I wanted to break through all those hurdles and run free.. But deep down inside, I know it's going to be a tough ride. Can I get through these s***?

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