Friday, November 27, 2009

It's almost 5 in the morning... Bro introduced this song, and it suited my mood perfectly well. Yeah, I'm officially missing you. I do.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Boredom Killed

lavender potpourri

the view outside my apartment

the penguin designer

fish's laptop

Dugong's green tea!
and a stick of Marlboro Dunhill

finally, its done.

Monday, November 16, 2009


I just deleted my latest composition seconds ago. There are just so many many thoughts buzzing through my mind, wanting to come out. Each thought changes its setting, the arena, the environment....everything. Why am I so damn fickle-minded? The composure in me has been fluctuating every now and then, and it freaks me out sometimes.

I really need a good rest.

I need a trip to sail me away from all this rubbish. All this mind-boggling thoughts. All the what IFs?.

Am I going insane? Paranoid? Disillusioned? I can't seem to get the answers right.

I just want to feel the breeze in the mountains, to hear the sounds of sea waves hitting on the rocks, to smell the scent of lavender, to lie on a sandy beach while watching stars shimmer at night.........

and I want it so badly.