Saturday, January 9, 2010


Classes started 2 weeks back. Everything seemed as usual; coursemates, professors, new mates... Nothing new, except for the new subjects that I would be taking this semester. The tougher it is, the more challenge you would have to duel with.

I am faced with a couple of dilemma the few days back. Getting the news that a person I knew verbally was diagnosed with cancer eventually jolted me up. I was stunned. I am still stunned with the result of the diagnosis. An individual at the age of 29 with an extremely bright future is all gone. It made me wonder why is this individual being caught up with such a trial in her life. There are so many asses out there in this world who deserve this more than her. So why does HE draws up this path for her? I really don't know what are the reasons beneath this "surprise".

In life we often strive so hard to make a better life for our own & the people around us. For me, no matter how tough these trials & tribulations would be, if by striving harder that I can make a change, it would not be tough at all. I have seen many people who do not need to work hard but finds a good route in their life, & vice versa. Some people really worked their ass off but in the end, it ended too fast that they do not have enough time to really enjoy what they have hard-earned. Ironic, isn't it?

Probably in life, we should not expect too much. All we should do is just to treasure every single second of our lifetime without any hesitation. Even if we are not in a mood for anything, we should realize that the clock is still ticking. And before it stops ticking, we should tell ourselves that we have live life to the fullest. No regrets of our past.