Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The mind speaks

A very long break from my blogging scene. Now that I am unemployed & had finally finish my Masters degree, I found the time to start doing things that I have long forgo. First and foremost, I am a little frustrated today.Why? Because I find it rather amusing to see how people would think sometimes. If you do not give people the opportunity to learn, would they be able to absorb and learn, and gain the experiences that you do not even want to allow them? The answer is obviously a big no-no. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think the society these days are rather selfish and self-centered as they are afraid that others may be well better off than them, if given the opportunity. It is a realistic world out there and it is also weird in a way because we are all living in a world where man eats man, and either one of us have to live.

It is no longer a world where all of us were given the equal chances to live our dreams. No matter how much knowledge you have gained, it goes back to square one when we are talking about experiences. Philosophers had said that "Knowledge is Power" but does it reflect the real world that you and I are living in?

Shouldn't it be a time for us to reflect ourselves and judge a person based on all that he or she has? And of course, we should be less cruel and more humble when it comes to matters pertaining to living beings. Acknowledging that our life here on earth is just a temporary period, isn't it fair to give one another a chance to see how far they can go?

I still believe that each of us have a purpose here on earth.

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